Talking about Outcomes

An issue that I see regularly is that business leaders focus on discussing activities at the expense of the outcomes that they are trying to achieve. There are a number of benefits of regularly making sure that your staff understand the outcomes your business is...


Delegation One of the areas which many of the people I work with want to develop is their delegation skills.  From what I can see this is really important, for example to help them find more time to develop their teams.  This allows them more time to work on rather...

Everything is Management’s Fault!

Everything is Management’s Fault! Consider the premise that everything is management’s fault. Unfair you might say – how can you be responsible for everything that that your business does? Maybe you weren’t given some key information or someone...

What Could Derail Your Business?

What Could Derail Your Business? Constant changes is a fact of life, and sometimes changes can take unexpected turns. Therefore, from time to time it is worth considering what might have a significant detrimental effect on your business. My suggestion is to get a...

Assumption or Fact?

Assumption or Fact? It is likely that you will encounter situations where there is value in considering whether your interpretation of an event or a proposed course is based on an assumption rather than a fact or facts.  There is a potential problem with this!  Your...

Negotiations: Prepare, Prepare, Prepare

Negotiations: Prepare, Prepare, Prepare This tip concerns making sure that you are fully prepared for your important negotiations. Some suggestions: Build time into the diary to prepare your negotiating strategy and tactics Use your team and trusted colleagues to help...